injector nie aku dpt kiranye diloankan dr member aku yg dh upgrade ke injector mivec. thanks bro. hehehehe
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
4g92p 1.6SOHC 182cc injector
injector nie aku dpt kiranye diloankan dr member aku yg dh upgrade ke injector mivec. thanks bro. hehehehe
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Projek DIY Cold Air Intake kt Proton Saga....
ok usha dulu enjin bay, kenal pasti rongga2 yg berpotensi untuk disumbat saluran hose nie. mcm aku punye, aku tarik ke tepi fender sebab nak ke depan radiator tu takleh. takde lubang nak sumbat.
ok nak lalu kt tepi fender tu dia ada satu cover itam (aku tak tau apa namanye).bukak dulu cover tu. dia ada 4 bijik bolt. n then take it out. br la korang akan nampak saluran terbuka itu....
pastuh adjust2 hose tu kasi tarik ke tepi fender tu. this one samada nak DIY ke nak anto kedai terpulang. aku anto kedai je sebab takde tools nak tebuk bumper belah tepi tu. n then adjustla kedudukan nak kedepan ke, nak ketepi ke suka hati atas daya kreativiti korang lew.
ok dh setel semua tu, cover itam tu korang potong ikut saiz hose dia supaya lg kemas. nie nak buat kena ukur bg betui2 ngam.
setel.... (gunala cable tie ke, dawai ke, clamp ke utk ikatkan hose tu jgn kasi gerak2.)
refer kt sini utk diskusi
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Very Hard Decision To Make!!
Recently this morning, I've receive an email from Selangor Human Resources Development Centre regarding the interview I attend on Tuesday. As expected, I'm in. That mean I've been choosen to be part of one of the training program providing by this organization. For information, this organization offer a 6 month duration of training calibration with all the industries member (factory) which is located in Selangor. During this 6 month of period, we will given a training/study regarding the module for the Industrial Automation and after that we will send to the industries for the OJT (on job training) for other 6 month. This will take about 12month of training = 1years.
Although , the offer is quiet good for the advance skill. I'm still consider it. This is because, the organization cant guarantee we all the student able to get a job after finish this training however, it is a really good improvement of skill development.
[perghhhh speaking london siyut, dh la berterabur hehehehe]
.:: Industrial Skills Enhancement Program (INSEP)
The Industrial Skills Enhancement Program (INSEP) is a unique graduate engineers training and development program, that brings together the government, industries, local and foreign experts through SHRDC, to equip current graduates with the right competencies and innovative capabilities. INSEP aims to meet the current and future human resources challenges of the high technology industries in Malaysia.
Flow of the Programme
Benefits of Joining
1) Potential employment with Company
2) Ready-to-work graduates
3) Paid while training
4) Industrial Related and Relevant Training
5) Industrial Recognize Competencies
6) Right and Relevant Working Experience
Courses offered
MIMS (Malaysia Institute of Microsystems):
Semiconductor Chip Design - Analogue :[Modules]
Semiconductor Chip Testing :[Modules]
Semiconductor Chip Packaging :[Modules]
Printed Circuit Board Design - Analogue :[Modules]
ICT (Information & Communication Technology):
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) :[Modules]
ICT Security :[Modules]
Internet Technology & E-commerce
Programming and Database :[Modules]
Software Engineering with Real-time Embedded System :[Modules]
Industrial Automation :[Modules]
Plastics Product & Mould Design :[Modules]
Piping System Design :[Modules]
Equipment Engineering Design
Continuous Improvement Methodology
.: SHRDC Institutional Members
SHRDC’s membership comprises of companies that form the gamut of industries, ranging from the semiconductors and electronics industry to information and communications technology companies:
Amongst SHRDC’s members currently are the following companies:
AIC Corporation Berhad
Nitto Denko Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
Clipsal Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd
Omron (M) Sdn Bhd
Colgate-Palmolive (M) Sdn Bhd
OYL Electronics Sdn Bhd
Continental Sime Tyres Sdn Bhd
Panasonic Manufacturing (M) Bhd
Denso (M) Sdn Bhd
Patco (M) Bhd
FEC Cables (M) Sdn Bhd
S.E.H. Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Flextronics International (M) Sdn Bhd
Freescale Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd
Hitachi Group of Companies
Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC)
JVC Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
Sony EMCS (M) Sdn Bhd
Kayaba (M) Sdn Bhd
Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan (Pembangunan) Selangor
MEMC Electronic Materials Sdn Bhd
Toshiba Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
UEDA Plating (M) Sdn Bhd
NEC Semiconductors (M) Sdn Bhd
Western Digital (M) Sdn Bhd
Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan
apapun, aku akan diskass dulu ngan family, tunang (tunang???!!) dan rakan2 lain utk dptkan pendapat........