(Senawang & Kg Jawa – Selangor)
* A recognized Bachelor Degree in Mechanical or Mechatronics. [nohal! gua ada diploma in mechatronic and degree in mechanical beb!]
* Must be able to interpret mechanical drawings. [6 bulan beb praktikal kt sini!!]
* Knowledge in CNC Programming (G-Language) for steel cutting and steel plate, Nesting Programming will have an added advantage. [nie masalah skit!]
* Experience in steel plate rolling will have an added advantage. [takde! - tp takpe katepun fresh graduate]
* Applicant meeting the above mentioned qualification and have 1to 2 years working experience in production related field (steel fabricator) will have an added advantage.
* Applicant who does not have the qualification of Bachelor Degree but posses a Diploma in Mechanical or Mechatronics and meeting the requirements of 2, 3, 4 & 5 and fresh graduate is also encouraged to apply.
* The successful candidate will be based in the Production Department and report to the Head of Fabrication Section / Production Manager.
ok, dlm byk2 tu satu je yg merisaukan aku;
* Knowledge in CNC Programming (G-Language) for steel cutting and steel plate, Nesting Programming will have an added advantage.*
ok yg nie memang aku ada knowledge, even aku dpt score A utk subject ini utk semester akhir dulu. tp masalah dia adalah. bendalah nie aku tak bape reti. nak senang citela. time dlm kuliah dok lyn internet je. sampai apa lecturer ajak tak dgr. bila test semua copy n paste. skarang nie nah amik obat!
anyway aku tau , aku kena berlagak cool. jwb dengan penuh kompiden sehinggakan takde nampak sikit pun air muka cuak.
bg aku la, ini peluang aku. sebab dh 6 bulan aku internship kt kilang nie, hampir semua engineer/workers aku dh kenal. senangla nak communicate. tp apa2pun kena tabahkan hati. kasi semua berjalan lancar.
dkt 1bulan wei jd jurutera penganggur tak berbayar! tak best. this time i need to do something. huh.....
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